Morris A. Phibbs, Deputy Director, Center for Black Music Research,

I am stunned! We just received our Black Europe set yesterday. I have, obviously, not been able to sit down with it yet, but we all hungrily page through it. Congratulations on the publication of this *huge* project!

We are preparing now the fall issue of CBMR Digest, which I hope to finish editing by the end of next week. I can certainly use the copy you provided earlier (below), but do you have any additional promotional materials that you can send me, including images that we can publish with your permission? Do you have reviews that we can link to, etc.?

I hope to have lunch with Sam Floyd next week, and I can’t wait to take the set with me to show him.

Again, I am stunned,


Morris A. Phibbs, Deputy Director, Center for Black Music Research, 14.11.2013